New Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer

'There is darkness everywhere...'

New Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer

by James White |
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A mere month ago, we got our first taste of**Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter **with the arrival of the first trailer. If you were hoping for some fresh footage to show up, we have good news. With the film’s creative team showing up to this weekend’s WonderCon, the new, extended trailer is now available to view, and you can take a look below.

This second promo expands on the story a little, with Benjamin Walker’s Abe explaining that history won’t be remembering everything about his life. We know of his speeches, his campaign to abolish slavery and that fateful trip to the theatre, but what of his other side… A side driven by the murder of his mother to hunt and destroy the fanged fiend menace threatening his beloved America?

We’re offered a little more of the scale of the thing, plus a glimpse at the crazy action that Wanted’s Timur Bekmambetov has been bringing to life. Pius the leads (well, Walker, Dominic Cooper and Rufus Sewell, at least) get some more lines.

For some, the jury is still out on the use of Johnny Cash to help drive things along, but that’s slightly reduced here as the characters do the lion’s share of the exposition.

Abraham Lincoln could end up being one that divides audiences into love or loathe, but it certainly looks entertaining. What do you think? Spill your brain-thoughts below…

The film is out of August 2.

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