New Terminator Salvation Clip

Harvester la vista, baby

New Terminator Salvation Clip

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

It's the summer of the arbitrary fast-food/movie tie-in - if you don't believe us check out Burger King's whoppalicious partnership with not one, but *three *summer tentpoles - and today's exclusive comes courtesy of Pizza Hut, the home of all things Terminator Salvation, who have posted a first look at Skynet's towering terror the Harvester in action, along with some McG-narrated 'making of' footage.

It's a pivotal scene set in a desert filling station and shows Sam Worthington's Marcus putting the conflict into conflicted, as he tries to stop the giant Harvester from doing exactly what it says on the tin and gathering a harvest of humans.

As T4 production designer Martin Lang explained to Empire, the Harvesters are not Terminators, but gatherers whose primary function is to reap a harvest of human captives: "The Harvester is a big fellow, about 60 feet tall, whose job it is to scoop up humans and bring them back to Skynet, where their hair and skin will be used for new Terminators. I wanted them to be black and degraded - they've been out in this world for a while."

Terminator Salvation is out in the UK on June 3.

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