Timur Bekmambetov On, Well, Everything

Wanted 2, Lincoln, Moby Dick, the lot...

Timur Bekmambetov On, Well, Everything

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

Timur Bekmambetov has been linked to so many different projects we've run out of fingers to count them on. To clear things up in camp Bekmambetov, we had a chat with him about each one of them, and this is what we discovered.

Are you ready? Then we'll begin.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. "That one I’m prepping to direct myself. It is not a comedy at all – it is a very entertaining, epic history lesson for millions and millions of teenagers. If you remember Nightwatch, it is maybe in the vein of that kind of movie."

"We are keeping the traditional look of Lincoln – the big hat and the beard. He has to be historically correct, but with a few special weapons. There is only one book, but there will be many opportunities to develop and explore this world if we get to do sequels. I hope we will start this winter. We are shooting in America."

Wanted 2. "We are discussing Wanted 2 every month. We are working on it now, but I think it will be after Lincoln because James (McAvoy) is working on the X-Men: First Class… It’s why I decided to develop Lincoln without a studio, to keep control. It’s a big movie but independent too."

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. "Yes, it is happening. We are in development with a writer and Ridley Scott’s people. It’s early in development. I would like to direct myself – it’s a great tale that I love from my childhood. It will be a modernised version of the famous book."

Moby Dick. "I’ve developed the whole world, but we’re still working on the script. To fight a supernatural creature, you need people with supernatural abilities. It’s the same story but with a different take, much more mystical. The whalers are not ordinary people, and yes, the whale will be done digitally."

Red Asphalt. "I am working on that with Lionsgate. It’s a movie about drunk driving… in 3D! 3D is the only way to recreate what you feel when you drink and drive."

"It’s my original idea – I wrote the treatment. Everyone drinks and drives once, and I want to make a horror movie about it. It’s one big car chase. People will feel what it’s like when you’re drunk and driving, and it’s really scary. The world is not exactly the same."

The Knights Templar. "That is a project I am developing with Universal. I wrote the treatment but it’s not something I am doing in the near future. It’s a great story, but… It’s why I’m producing, because there are too many stories. I have to give them to other people sometimes.

Twilight Watch*. "I hope it happens. It’s like first love – we created this world and now I’m watching the Twilight movies, I feel like we missed something by not doing Twilight Watch. Because there are a lot of ideas in those films that we were going to use. But we didn’t finish the story. It would be good to get around to it one day. "

The Last Witchhunter. "I am not working on that one. It was in discussion but is not happening now."

Black Lightning."We are talking with Universal about producing an English-language remake, but I am not directing it."

So that's that, straight from the horse's mouth. Thoughts? Queries? Questions? What are you most excited about -- and what would you like to see in cinemas first? Would you even want to see another Wanted? Let us know below.

*That's the sequel to Night Watch and Day Watch, not anything to do with the sparkly vampires.

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