Unofficial Trance Shots Up Online

Boyle and McAvoy head for amnesia

Unofficial Trance Shots Up Online

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

If there's no rest for the wicked, there's not a heck of a lot for national treasures either. Danny Boyle has segued from the National Theatre to a new thriller, Trance, set in the London art world via the small matter of the Olympics opening ceremony. We hope he squeezed a holiday in somewhere along the way.

Here are some unofficial on-set stills from the film showing a battered-looking James McAvoy in action, probably pining for something more relaxing like, we don't know, Wanted. They've been hiding out in a corner of the web for a while now but have just come to light

The shoot wrapped before the Olympics but this is a first glimpse of a scenario that sees McAvoy helps orchestrate an audacious heist that ends in chaos and confusion. He gets concussed and big bad Vincent Cassel calls in a hypnotist to extract the whereabouts of the loot from his subconscious. Sounds like a job for Dom Cobb.

Look out for Danny Boyle's return to the big screen in the first half of 2013. More on **Trance **as we get it.

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