Wednesday’s News Round-Up (April 4)

Pope! Coke! Coconuts! Metal! Goldie!

Wednesday's News Round-Up (April 4)

by empire |
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Okay, this is weird. Coca-Cola Italia have managed to force the postponement of a new Italian film about Jesus, despite the Pope giving it the thumbs up (or whatever it is he gives films he likes). Coke have taken umbrage at a scene in the film, which is set in the modern day, showing Jesus getting into the back of a cab and opening a can of the world's most famous cola. They believe that the association between the two, going out in a film that was to be released on Good Friday, would create a publicity backlash unfavourable to them. Initially the corporation wanted the scene cut altogether, but the filmmakers argued that this would be costly and time-consuming beyond there means, so Coke just has to live with their minor victory of a delayed release. We on the other hand, just sit back and make up stupid puns… "Only one blasphemy, Diet Coke!", "Can't beat the Realigious Thing…" Anyone?, anyone…?


Amid a news drought that shows few signs of breaking, one thing that we did notice (give a cracker to a starving man…) was that Goldie Hawn is being targeted signed onto The Rosenbergs Save Christmas, which is about mothers-in-law of a newly engaged couple fighting over the festive period. We're guessing everyone learns lessons and gets along by the end. Eyelids… heavy…


Lauren Shuler Donner is getting back into the super hero game at Warner Brothers, with plans to forge Metal Men, which stems from a comic book that originated in 1962. The stories followed a scientist and his six robots, each made from a different kind of metal – lead, iron, tin, mercury, gold and platinum. Apparently they are all self-sufficient and have independent thought, but their personalities and special abilities all differ according to the chemical compounds from which they are constructed. Sounds interesting, but will it survive in the current crowded superhero slate?


St George's Day this year is set to get very silly. So silly, in fact, that Graham Chapman may just come back from the dead, adorn his military uniform from Monty Python's Flying Circus, and tell us all to stop it. You see, the Mayor of London's celebrations are set to include an outdoor screening of Monty Python And The Holy Grail in Trafalgar Square, where they are hoping that around 2,000 people will join in to create the world's largest coconut orchestra (the current record holder being New York, with 1785 participants just last year). For any Johnny foreigners out there (or indeed, slightly ignorant English people) who wish to participate, the date you're looking for is Thursday April 23rd. Coconuts provided.

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