Wednesday’s News Roundup (13 December)

More Mad Maxing, Li-Lo in AA and more!

Wednesday's News Roundup (13 December)

by empire |
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Mad Max 4 still on! Possibly. Maybe.

We like Happy Feet. We really do. It’s happy, it’s clappy, it goes totally mental at the end. But there’s a small part of Empire that’s deeply disappointed that director George Miller is faffing around with cartoon penguins when he could, for instance, be making, oh we don’t know, just off the top of our heads… Mad Max 4 at long bleedin’ last! We’ve known that it’s going to be called Fury Road, and that Mel Gibson probably won’t be involved, but Moviehole talked to Miller the other day and found that not only have a number of young, well-known actors expressed interest in playing Max Rockatanksy, but also that the project might find a home somewhere other than Warner Bros. There was also a bit about the status of Babe 3, but to be honest, we stopped reading before that.

That’s Richie

Nicole Richie has apparently vowed to accept full responsibility for her DUI offence the other day. Given that she was found parked in the carpool lane of an LA freeway, facing the wrong way, talking on her mobile phone while high on a cocktail of Mary Jane and Vicodin, we feel this is probably the safest course of action. We’d say lock her up and throw away the key, but she’s so stupid that you could put her in a cell, leave the door wide open, placing a trail of breadcrumbs leading out the door into the carpark, and she’d still slam repeatedly into the bars.

The Weinsteins Pick Up Another Movie

Those kerrrrazy Weinstein brothers, Harvey and Bob, have picked up yet another movie to add to their new company’s slate. The awesomely-titled Nightmare Detective is a Japanese movie about a female PI tracking down a dude who has the power to enter people’s dreams… and make them dead! Good premise – can’t wait for the inevitable US remake, because they’re always better than the originals. Ahem.

Lindsay Lohan Tries To Quit Drinking

The flame-haired starlet has told People magazine that she’s been going to AA meetings for the last year, apparently, and is serious about trying to quit drinking. Which, lest we forget, she’s still not legally entitled to do in the States. Drinking, that is, not the quitting thereof. Empire wishes Lindsay all the best in her ongoing fight with the demon drink. We're not saying we think she'll fail, but we strongly urge you to come back here next week, when we’ll run this story again, and the week after, and the week after, and the week after…

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